Works that give space to a vision of the world that reconstructs the ancient powerful link between the microcosm and the macrocosm, between man and nature, art and science. Metamorphosis is the title of the exhibition of Paola Tassetti‘s works, curated by Loretta Fabrizi, that offers an artistic journey that arises from an innate fascination and an in-depth study of the theme of metamorphosis, that change in reality given by the inexorable passing of time which was also one of the reasons most intriguing and investigated literary, artistic and philosophical in every historical period. In her search for a new reality in movement, the recovery of the past, a treasure of ancient knowledge, myths and rituals that allow the artist to travel the roads of the future with more awareness. The artist therefore takes her cue from the pioneering medical studies of Andrea Vesàlio, from her extraordinary anatomical tables, created in Venice by the artists of the school of Tiziano Vecellio. Thus were born her Psychogeographies, anatomical tables and composite installations of fragments and finds that tell cross-sections of flowery metamorphoses both on the canvases and in the sculptures.
Centro Luigi di Sarro, in collaboration with CeSMa (Centro Studi Marche) and in line with its more than forty years of promotion of young talents at national and international level, welcomes again the Pannaggi Award / New Generation 2022 V edition, an initiative of the organization “Amici di Palazzo Buonaccorsi” of Macerata, in support of young artists and for the promotion of contemporary art.
The Jury composed by Paola Ballesi, Katiuscia Cassetta, Nikla Cingolani, Loretta Fabrizi, Paolo Gobbi, Marina Mentoni, Mauro Mazziero, Giuliana Pascucci, Massimo Vitangeli, awarded the prize to the young artist from Civitanova Paola Tassetti, with the following motivation: “a multidisciplinary artist with many interests who makes his art a lifestyle in the incessant search for the sources of knowledge and doing, which find the highest cultural expression in the skilful manipulation of matter and forms”.

Paola Tassetti (Civitanova Marche Alta, 1984) studied art, graduated in architecture and later specialized in the research of the Italian landscape. She continues her artistic training in Kyoto at the Tomohiro Hata Architect and Associates studio and in London at the Uncommon Studio Creative.
Her multidisciplinary activity experiences the borderlands between different sciences: biology, botany, taxonomy, anatomy, archeology, anthropology, sociology, psychology and architecture.
She reconciles her interest in landscape with research on human anatomy with which she feeds her creative expression made up of diaries, drawings, site specific installations, surreal paintings, digital collages, digital art, material painting, screen printing, taxonomic collections, serial installations and performances where the body becomes a vehicle for experimentation and a ground for exchange between interiority and reality.