CL / PA – the travel is a nomadic artistic residency project in remote natural environments and among indigenous peoples.
CL / PA – the travel took place as part of the residency program at @lawayakacurrent.
The project is supported by the Italian Council (2021), Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity #DGCC, Ministry of Culture @mic_italia, @creativita_contemporanea, with the partnership of Spazienne @spazienne and Centro Luigi Di Sarro @arp_art_residency_project.
In a world marked by fast times, limitations and rules imposed by society, CL / PA – the travel represents a possibility of returning to the origins, to a personal time and to new possible visions. An archive on time, form and materials. A search for comparison and dialogue with different artistic personalities, which today is less and less.
The project of Giulia Fumagalli , who won the Italian Council Edition 10 – Development of Talents and therefore enjoys the support of the MIC Contemporary Creativity General Direction, it will be built in collaboration with Aran Ndimurwanko, an artist from Trentino Region of Italy, whose practice is linked to African culture and use of natural materials. The need to face the path in a continuous comparison with another artist arises from the curiosity to understand if formally and conceptually different practices, inserted in the same situation, can create an exchange that goes beyond a simple dialogue.
CL / PA – the travel will begin composing images, drawings, sketches, writings and works of art along the way: the residence La Wayaka Desert 26 ° S (Chile, Atacama Desert 5-26 April 2022); the itinerary in northern Chile (26 April-4 May 2022); the itinerary between Panama and Panama City (May 5-9, 2022) and finally the residence La Wayaka Tropic 08 ° N (Panama, Guna Yala Archipelago 10-31 May 2022) developing a research in dialogue with other artists, curators and collaborators of the plan.
This itinerary will be an opportunity to explore new artistic perspectives, to reflect on the current situation in the world, on one’s position in the social / relational system and on the ecological question. An archive in the making, which will take shape gradually, with interventions of various kinds, the result of which could materialize in visions and works that are formally distant or in works made even by several hands.
At the end of the travel period, all the materials collected will flow into a publication, produced with the support of Spazienne – Garbagnate Milanese and the works born even later from the maturation of the experience will be exhibited at the Centro Luigi Di Sarro – Rome (15 November – 15 December 2022).
We followed the stages of the journey, both here on the website and on our IG account @arp_art_residency_project, as the artists sent us updates and previews.

THE STORY of Giulia Fumagalli: 🦙 Desert 23 ° S – Atacama Desert, Chile
Why did you go to the desert?
“I started to feel the need for a time interval that was only mine. Most of all I needed to breathe and the desert is the perfect place to stop the state of apnea and start listening to your body.
I was told that we keep time in our hearts, that our beats mark a rhythm that we must learn to respect by living, walking, breathing “.

What did you do while you where in the desert?
“I walked far and wide, trying to follow it in every possible direction, because only by walking can you savor its essence.
There is not much to do in the desert.
What you see are sand and stones, sand and stones in a succession of surfaces that constantly change patterns.In the desert you are alone, but you are never really alone.
Pachamama is everywhere: in the stones, in the sand, in the salt. A void so full that it made me feel extremely good.”

What did you learn from the desert?
“I have learned to consider things as a whole, appreciating their duality.
Like that night in the desert, lying on the sand, when I was told about the Licanantay constellations. They told me not only of bright stars, but of black shapes whose outlines are outlined by light.
A lama, a snake, a fox, and many other characters draw the celestial vault without illuminating it and it was the first time I realized that I had never been able to observe the sky in its complexity.”

Desert 23°S – Deserto di Atacama, Cile