The winners of the 10th edition of the ARP-Art Residency Project, the residency program created with the contribution of the MAECI and the Italian Cultural Institutes.

POZI: places and landscapes of tomorrow. Curated by Giggs Kgole, with a text by Buhle Mathole. From 2 to 6 July 2024.

The Call for the 10th Edition of the ARP-Art Residency Project is now open. Artists and curators under 30 can apply and win the training residency created with the contribution of the Italian MAECI.

HIC ET NUNC n2 – THE EXHIBITION. For the 19GdC Amaci and with the support of the MAECI in Rome the first stage of the PACK AN GO. Followed by a stop in Val Camonica, Lozio and Bienno, and finally Tirana, Albania, for the 9th Edition of the ARP-Art Residency Project.

ARP 9Edition. The HIC ET NUNC n.2 workshop continues the investigation into the idea of the contemporary. At the center of the meetings are the 6 winners of the residency program created with the contribution of the MAECI. The final exhibition on 7 October 2023 for the 19th GdC Amaci.

A work that reflects the contemporary to be carried with you in hand luggage. This is the challenge for 5 winning artists and a curator of the ninth edition of the ARP – PACK AND GO competition: a residency-workshop that questions and investigates the notion of the contemporary.

ARP – Art Residency Project is the artistic residency programme, conceived and created by the Luigi Di Sarro Centre, with the aim of promoting a disposition towards intercultural dialogue and the comparison of practices and methods in the world of art too. For its ninth edition it once again proposed the PACK AND GO formula, that is, the challenge of conceiving and creating a work that represents one’s idea of contemporaneity and which is easily transportable to allow maximum mobility.

We live in difficult years and even for artists, especially emerging young people, the slowdown, if not the forced blockade, of social relations created by the covid-19 pandemic, wars and the economic crisis has represented and represents an obstacle. The ARP program has always worked by promoting educational trips, but with this formula it wants to go further and attempt to cross not only geographical borders, but also emotional ones.

It was thought that a project that started from the analysis of the idea of the contemporary would offer fertile ground for returning to dialogue, confrontation, opposition and sharing.

The young artists selected Samela Balazi, Beatrice Caruso, Cheriese Dilrajh, Anna Martynenko and Mirino Mwandiambira and Azzurra Pizzi as curator come from European, Balkan and African countries.

The jury that selects the artists is made up of Alessandra Atti Di Sarro, Simone Ciglia and Carlotta Sylos Calò.

The Hic et Nunc workshop n.2 will be attended among others experts by Angelo Capasso, Simone Ciglia, Heidi Erdmann, Carlotta Sylos Calò, Matteo Piccioni and Alessandra Troncone, curated by Alessandra Atti Di Sarro.

The folds of the void, is the exhibition that concludes the CL/PA – the travel project created thanks to the support of the Italian Council (X Edition 2021). Giulia Fumagalli + Aran Ndimurwanko. Opening 19 November 2022 h.17-20.

How to tell two distant places after having had an intense experience of them?
What shapes can they take? What in them can be considered full?
What, instead, empty? And how these entities so different can dialogue?

These are some of the questions that revolve around The folds of the void, the exhibition by Giulia Fumagalli (Carate Brianza – MI, 1990) with Aran Ndimurwanko (Trento, 1991) which take place at the Centro Luigi Di Sarro in Rome, from 19 November to 23 December 2022. Critical text by Alice Evangelisti.

It is a heterogeneous selection of works resulting from the double residency that the two artists experienced during the spring 2022, first in Chile and then in Panama.
The result is thus their personal and artistic vision of these two places, geographically close, but completely at the antipodes. On the one hand, the Chilean landscape, visually open due to the immense desert expanse, which, although empty, is capable of triggering continuous connections. On the other hand, the Panamanian one, visually closed due to the presence of the impenetrable jungle, which fills the eyes and the mind, overpopulating them with images.

Two completely opposite experiences, which mutually activate sensations of fullness and
of emptiness, opposing them but at the same time making them also become the consequence of the other. Thus, focusing on the extrinsic and intrinsic characteristics of these two places, Fumagalli and Ndimurwanko give their interpretation. If Fumagalli investigates two natural elements water and air – which materialize in light and poetic installations able to evoke their presence, Ndimurwanko shapes the earth, giving life to works full of daily rituals.

The exhibition is part of the project CL/PA – the travel by Giulia Fumagalli, created thanks to the support of the Italian Council (X edition, 2021), a program for the international promotion of Italian art of the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture.

ARP 8 Edition. Valona, Rome and Amsterdam are the cities involved in the itinerary of the new PACK AND GO formula. This year the program hosts 6 young people from Belgium, Germany, South Africa and Italy who have won the traveling residency created with the contribution of Maeci.

An artwork that declines the contemporary and to take with you in a hand luggage. This is the bet for 5 winning artists and one curator of the ARP PACK AND GO competition.
The residency program of the Centro Luigi Di Sarro is aimed at young people under 30 and is carried out with the contribution of Youth Exchanges from MAECI and other partners. A traveling workshop between Rome, Valona and Amsterdam to discuss and investigate the notion of contemporary.

What does contemporary art mean and, above all, how and how much can the definition of contemporary be adapted to the continuous change of time and history? 

The last few years have confronted us with the need to reflect on the Hic et Nunc, suddenly erasing that sense of stability that was associated with the idea of the contemporary era, our contemporary, peaceful and progressive era. 

In short, is history perhaps putting us in front of a new era? So will the future be the new contemporary? And how will art be able to respond to these mutations?

These are the issues on which the ARP program intends to dialogue. It will start in Vlore in Albania where the Consulate General of Italy will host the first meeting of the winners of the Art Residency Project for a Meet up that will take place on October 14, on the occasion of the 18th Amaci-Maeci Contemporary Day.
Artan Shabani, art historian, one of the founders of the Albanian Gallery of Art, will meet the curator Veronica Budini and the artists Mpumelelo Buthelezi, Florinda Ciucio, Amelia Kuhlmann, Svenia Jarisch and Giampaolo Parrilla, accompanied by Alessandra Atti Di Sarro, vice president of the Centro Luigi Di Sarro. On show the works selected for PACK AND GO that will come out of the luggage for the first time to ignite the debate.

The group will then return to Italy, to Rome, where the workshop will take place at the Luigi Di Sarro Center: 10 intense days of meetings, lessons, workshops and visits to museums and archaeological sites to continue to search for that connection that binds the ancient to the modern, the past to the future and thus to place one’s own contemporaneity in a broader reflection. To conclude the residency, the works of PACK AND GO, focused by the dialogue during the workshop, will return to the exhibition to question the public. The appointment with this second Meet up is for 25 October at the Centro Di Sarro Center, in Rome.

The conclusion will be held in Amsterdam, where the group will be hosted by the Italian Cultural Institute, to explore the city, its museums and its history. The Meet up with the public and the Dutch art scene will take place on 29 October.

ARP is an artistic residency program, conceived and implemented by the Centro Luigi Di Sarro, with the contribution of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other partners. For its 8th edition, it has promoted the PACK AND GO formula, that is the bet to conceive and create an artwork that represents the idea of contemporary and that can be carried in a hand luggage to allow maximum mobility.
The Consulate General of Italy in Vlore, the Italian Cultural Institute in Amsterdam, Mediaaid Onlus and Rainbow Media NPO participate in supporting this 8° edition.

The jury of the ARP PACK AND GO competition, which selected the 6 young people from European, Balkan and Southern African countries, was composed of Alessandra Atti Di Sarro, Simone Ciglia University of Oregon USA and Carlotta Sylos Calo ‘University of Rome Tor Vergata.