Luigi Di Sarro. Theater in the form of photography, curated by Lorenzo Mango. Italian Cultural Institute Belgrade for the 15th Contemporary Art Day Amaci-Maeci. 3-22 October 2019.

The Italian Cultural Institute of Belgrade presents Luigi Di Sarro. Theater in the form of photography, an exhibition dedicated to Luigi Di Sarro, an artist active in the Sixties and Seventies, a period that today is being brought to the attention of critics for the innovative thrusts brought to contemporary art. The exhibition, organized on the occasion of the forty-year anniversary of the artist’s death in collaboration with the Documentation Center of Contemporary Artistic Research Luigi Di Sarro, is curated by Prof. Lorenzo Mango of the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and will be opened at the Italian Cultural Institute of Belgrade on October 3rd 2019 at 6.30 pm, where it will remain on show until October 22nd.

IIC Belgrade participates with this event in the Day of the Contemporary, promoted by AMACI that in the last editions, with the collaboration started by the Mibac with Maeci, also involves Embassies, Consulates and Italian Cultural Institutes abroad in organizing events for the enhancement of contemporary Italian art and culture.

The inauguration will be preceded by the presentation of the book by Carla Cucchiarelli That night in Rome, a biography of the artist who died prematurely, only thirty-seven in 1979, killed for a fatal misunderstanding in the tense climate of the Seventies in Italy.

The international promotion project linked to the forty years from the death, is inspired by an intuition of the same Di Sarro – who in a pen drawing had indicated places on the terrestrial globe “Rome, New York, Tokyo and … who knows where” -, was promoted and realized in numerous locations abroad and after the Belgrade stop will continue for other exhibitions in the world.

SEGNI. Photographs, drawings and sculptures by Luigi Di Sarro, curated by Carlotta Sylos Calò. 11 October- 14 November 2018 MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Rome

In the fortieth anniversary of the death of Luigi Di Sarro, the exhibition organized by the MLAC with Centro Di Sarro offers a glimpse of the production of Luigi Di Sarro between the 1960s and the 1970s, highlighting the transversal nature of his approach to techniques and materials and his characteristic conception of the “sign” as a generative element of shapes and spaces, without a real caesura between abstraction and figuration, evident both in graphic and pictorial work, and in photography and sculpture.

Di Sarro, avid experimenter in his artistic activity, has practiced drawing, painting, engraving, sculpture, photography and performance, focusing in particular on themes related to the body, movement, light and abstraction capacity of the sign and the geometric figures. Di Sarro died only thirty-seven years old, killed for a fatal misunderstanding in the tense climate of the years of lead in Rome, on February 24, 1979; he left a vast artistic production (paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, graphics, projects, notes, aphorisms). Works by Luigi Di Sarro are in several Italian and foreign public collections (including GNAM, MACRO, Palazzo Braschi and the National Institute for Graphic Design in Rome, Pompidou Center in Paris).</p>

Active since 1987, the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea-MLAC, directed by Prof. Claudio Zambianchi, has been proposed since the beginning as a meeting place between the university and the contemporary cultural world, distinguishing itself for its vocation to research and training. Among the initiatives that have animated the program for thirty years, there are exhibitions, conferences, round tables, book presentations, festivals, video reviews and musical proposals, which aim at first hand to put in contact the most lively artistic and cultural realities of the moment with the students and scholars of the University, often coming to involve them actively. In the same way, the will to open up to the city is strong, involving all citizens through the proposal of a very varied program.
Exhibitions and events promoted and organized by the MLAC take place in the spaces set aside in 1985 by the La Sapienza University of Rome, at the Rettorato Building, in the heart of the University City.

On the occasion of organizing and carrying out the exhibition the MLAC offers a possibility of internship to students who have an interest in deepening in the field the craft of the historian and art critic in all facets. The internship foresees, in fact, an active commitment both during the preparation stage, with the possibility of working in close contact with the curators, and during the opening period of the exhibition, managing the guided tours, the reception of visitors and, last but not least , all the work related to the promotion of the exhibition, learning to manage the various online communication channels, from the blog to the main social networks.



FOR THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SELF-TIMER AT THE ROCCA ROVERESCA: GIORGIO BONOMI CALLED 150 ITALIAN ARTISTS TO SENIGALLIA. THE EXHIBITION AT THE ROCCA ALSO RECOGNIZES THE HISTORY AND THE NEW ACQUISITIONS OF THE ITALIAN ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SELF-PORTRAIT IN COLLABORATION WITH THE MUSINF. On show are works by Piergiorgio Branzi, Franco Fontana, Maria Mulas, Nino Migliori, Aldo Tagliaferro, Mario Giacomelli, of whom Musinf preserves and exhibits all over the world, many of the most famous works, Luigi Di Sarro, Stefania Beretta, Luigi Erba, Maurizio Gabbana, Antonio D’Agostino, Edoardo Romagnoli, Licinio Sacconi, Brigitte Tast, Miriam Colognesi, Marco Circhirillo, Donatella Spaziani, Francesca Della Toffola and many others.

Musinf has two works by Di Sarro in his collection.


LUIGI DI SARRO.The living body of painting, curated by Paola Ballesi. June 7th-September 7th, 2018. Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Cologne

Following the stage on Stuttgart, the exhibition LUIGI DI SARRO.The living body of painting, curated by Paola Ballesi, opens in the spaces of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Cologne. The exhibition continues the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the death of Luigi Di Sarro.

“Di Sarro’s creativity investigates various artistic and scientific fields, such as painting, philosophy, poetry, mathematics, technology, which involved the aspects of the process more than those related to representativeness. His approach is rather analytical. We note that this diversity of interests is the result of his great curiosity and desire to deepen the issues he was dealing with. In the cycle of the gouaches of 1964 he repeated the motif of the square, and in the pictures partially realized with the “dripping” process, in which he sprays the canvas with color, he shows two different procedures, two opposite principles: repetitiveness and expressiveness. In his oil and acrylic paintings instead he experiments and plays with the three-dimensionality on the surface. Today his works offer a richness and a stratified meaning, which in the course of time have lost nothing of their artistic potential”, writes Maria Mazza, Director of IIC Cologne in the Prologue of the catalogue which offers a curatorial note and a large critical anthology.

On show 38 painting realized by Di Sarro between the Sixties and the Seventies with various techniques from gouache to oil, acrylic and mixed media that “decline the phenomenology of the sign born from the gesture of the body” – as Paola Ballesi explains – “With the ‘spelling’ of the body, understood in its variations, ranging from the physical presence of the painter on the canvas through the unique and continuous sign, to the ‘figuration’ of the body felt as a map of energy, Di Sarro subtracts the creation at each formal stylization. Perhaps he would have preferred, as an artist-physician, to make the language of art become a living body that acts and reacts in contact with new and different stimuli each time”.